Minos ἐννέωρος and Crete Bronce Age Religion

  • Jorge Cano Moreno
Keywords: Minos, Crete, religion, Bronze Age


This paper analyses an epithet for Minos, the mythical king of Crete, in order to determine whether it is possible to establish connections between it and religious practices of the Bronze Age, which are known due to archaeological evidence. In this sense, the topic will be studied from different perspectives. In the first place, a proper translation of the term will be offered; secondly, the material evidence that shows some continuity between the Bronze Age religion and its later manifestations will be taken into account; thirdly, the astronomical aspects of the Minoan religion will be considered. Finally, it will be demonstrated that this epithet constitutes more than a rhetorical resource. 


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How to Cite
Cano Moreno, J. (1). Minos ἐννέωρος and Crete Bronce Age Religion. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(30), 67-87. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v2i30.5951