The disease of the hero in Euripides' <i>Orestes</i> in the light of the relationship between tragedy and Hippocratic medicine

  • Cecilia J. Perczyk
Keywords: tragedy, Hippocratic medicine, woman, Euripides, Orestes


In order to collaborate with the study of the representation of tragic madness, the aim of the article is to analyze Euripides’ Orestes considering the similarities with two treatises that belong to the Corpus Hippocraticum. The hero´s symptoms recall those described in On the Sacred Disease and Diseases of Young Girls. In addition to a lexical coincidence, the texts share ideas about the origin of the disease and the healing process, the study of which allow me to develop a new reading of the end of the tragedy. 


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How to Cite
Perczyk, C. J. (1). The disease of the hero in Euripides’ <i>Orestes</i&gt; in the light of the relationship between tragedy and Hippocratic medicine. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(30), 111-127.