Sex as stigma: Mary and Jesus in late ancient Jewish Literature

  • Rodrigo Laham Cohen
Keywords: ancient Jewish literature, Mary, Joseph, Babilonian Talmud, Toldot Yeshu


The aim of this article is to briefly analyze the Jewish construction of a negative image of Jesus and Mary during Late Antiquity. By focusing on three passages of the Babylonian Talmud, one text of the Toldot Yeshu tradition and a number of Christian sources that revisit the negative references attributed to Jews, the study will assess to what extent the creation of a sexualized image of both characters, Mary and Jesus, helped to desacralize their figures. 


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How to Cite
Laham Cohen, R. (2018). Sex as stigma: Mary and Jesus in late ancient Jewish Literature. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(31), 55-64.