The Christian love of Heraclius

  • María Cristina Silventi
Keywords: George Pisides, expeditio Persica, Heraclius


Through most of George Pisides’s compositions (c. 589-634) we know the campaigns carried out by the Emperor Heraclius (610-641) against the Persians. The poet takes historical facts and gives them religious significance. Heraclius is presented as the Christian leader, who strengthened by faith, manifests himself before his men as a true witness of Christian love. George Pisides highlights among its qualities, clarity and serenity of thought, exemplary actions and the persuasive power of his word that exercises a powerful influence on his men.


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How to Cite
Silventi, M. C. (2018). The Christian love of Heraclius. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(31), 65-79.