Agains the 'mimetic' in Callimachus from the concept of 'fiction of original performance'

  • Alejandro Abritta
Keywords: Callimachus, Hymns, fiction of original performance, Artemis


The partition of Callimachus’ hymns in ‘mimetic’ and ‘not mimetic’ is standard in contemporary philology but has entered a subtle crisis in the last decades. In this work I intend not only to present the reasons behind this crisis, but also to propose a solution using the concept of ‘fiction of original performance’, presented in Llanos (2017), which, in addition to solving the basic problem, links the Callimachus’ hymnodic collection with other poems of its age in the use of a (meta-)literary technic. The application of the concept is exemplified with an analysis of the Hymn to Artemis. 


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How to Cite
Abritta, A. (2019). Agains the ’mimetic’ in Callimachus from the concept of ’fiction of original performance’. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(32), 21-29.