Pindaric influences in <i>Victoria Berenices</i>

  • Caterina Anush Stripeikis
Keywords: Pindar, Callimachus, Epinikion, transformations, continuations


The Epinikion as a literary genre seems to have had a short existence, restricted to the period ranging from the 6th to the 5th centuries b.C. Regardless of the uncertain circumstances that this genre endured during the turbulent 4th century b.C., Epinikion emerges once more in the 3rd century b.C. in the Ptolemaic court. The odes composed by Callimachus of Cyrene bear witness to this revival. In this essay, I will analyze the influence of Pindaric Epinikia in the ode of Callimachus dedicated to Berenice II, wife of Ptolemy III, taking into account thematic, structural and linguistic aspects. Thus I hope to delineate some of the transformations and continuations of the classical Epinikion in the Hellenistic period.


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How to Cite
Anush Stripeikis, C. (2019). Pindaric influences in <i>Victoria Berenices</i&gt;. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(32), 65-72.