Un A ritual framework for the scene: the histrionic sacerdos in the palliata

  • María Eugenia Martí UNR
  • Stella Maris Moro UNR


In different passages of the palliata it is possible to read indications of the ritual logics that frame the ludi scaenici. Certain masks mimic a histrionic auctoritas allowing the theatrical event to proceed through the power of a hilarious parody of the ritual celebration. This ability to persuade viewers to enter the playful space of the performance also includes a demand: silence, attention and fair evaluation by their part. Actors and public join together to officiate and to assist in the theatrical convivium based in a pact of equitable reciprocity which relevance is analyzed in this article.


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How to Cite
Martí, M. E., & Moro, S. M. (2021). Un A ritual framework for the scene: the histrionic sacerdos in the palliata. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(34), 57-70. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.i34.7426