Modelos literarios y fuentes mitográficas de la carta de Cánace (Heroidas 11)

  • Laura Camino Plaza Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Heroides, Aeolus, Ovid, Euripides, mytography


The story of Canace and Macareus is presented in the letter number 11 of the Ovidian Heroides. It is a common place to consider that its literary model is the Aeolus of Euripides. In this paper I will consider the ambiguity raised in Heroides 11 in relation to the identification of Aeolus himself as father of Canace and Macareus. This ambiguity will inevitably guide us back to a mytographical problem of greater scope. Finally, I will analyse the thematic connections and deviations between Heroides 11 and Aelous, thanks to the edition of POxy 2457.


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How to Cite
Camino Plaza, L. (2021). Modelos literarios y fuentes mitográficas de la carta de Cánace (Heroidas 11). Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(34), 5-19.