The inscription SEG 34.1532 and the Alexandrian gerousia in Ptolemaic Egypt

  • Paola Druille
Keywords: SEG 34.1532, translation, gorousia, gymnasium, Ptolemaic Egypt


In this article we propose to analyze the terminology registered in SEG 34.1532, especially the references that allude to the existence of the γερουσία in Ptolemaic Egypt and its administrative functions linked to the gymnasium of Alexandria. We will try to translate SEG 34.1532 and trace the term γερουσία and the vocabulary related to this council, and to examine the data about its existence and power in Ptolemaic Egypt, in addition to its connection with the Alexandrian gymnasium. The reading of this inscription and its historical and social contextualization will allow us to also discuss about the technical terms associated with the γερουσία in the late Ptolemaic period.


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How to Cite
Druille, P. (2020). The inscription SEG 34.1532 and the Alexandrian gerousia in Ptolemaic Egypt. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(33), 17-33.