Theater and politics in classical Athens according to Plutarch’s view

  • Analía Verónica Sapere
Keywords: Plutarch, Parallel Lives, theater, Athens, democracy


This paper aims to study the relation between politics and theater in classical Athens in Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. We intend to show that, according to Plutarch, Athenian politicians make use of theatrical techniques in order to gain the approval of the people and thus strengthen their power. First we will investigate Plutarch’s literary opinions about theater. Secondly, we will use a discourse analysis approach to study the Lives of Alcibiades, Nicias and Pericles, because they represent three different styles of leadership. Finally, we will confrontate the conclusions with the Spartan case.


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How to Cite
Sapere, A. V. (2020). Theater and politics in classical Athens according to Plutarch’s view. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(33), 71-100.