Wisdom and non-political involvement in Epicurus’ thought

  • Marisa Divenosa
Keywords: Epicurus, friendship, politics, ataraxía, wisdom


Among the letters and fragments preserved of Epicurus’ thought, it is clear that he believes that the wise man must live apart from political involvement (SV 58, fr. 8). On the other hand, Epicurean philosophers need a community of friends in order to allow their reflections to fully develop. Our aim will be to evaluate the way in which the modulations of Epicurus’ supposed apolitical position must be understood, in conjunction with philia. We shall propose that among Epicurus’ concerns was not that of establishing the kind of link that must exist between the community of friendship and the polis as a whole, and that he simply aims to point out the harm that an active political involvement causes to the wise man, and to give some indications on how to remain involved with the polis, but only insofar as it is convenient to preserve his ataraxía.


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How to Cite
Divenosa, M. (2020). Wisdom and non-political involvement in Epicurus’ thought. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(33), 101-112. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.i33.9588