Cuadernos de Historia de España is a journal published by the Instituto de Historia de España Dr. Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires). It publishes original and unpublished works on the different areas of Spanish history in its influences and multiple projections through time and space. The journal is aimed at an academic and general public and is published annually in December of each year covering the period from that time until November of the following year.

Contributions must meet the following criteria:

  1. be unpublished: they may not be simultaneously under evaluation in another publication.
  2. make a contribution to the areas of publication of the journal.
  3. present original results derived from completed research or research in a significant state of progress.
  4. contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data.
  5. include a conceptual discussion and a relevant and updated bibliography in its subject matter.

Types of contributions:

  • Articles: between 7,000 and 9,000 words.
  • Critical notes: up to 4,000 words.
  • Discussion papers: up to 3,000 words.
  • Bibliographical comments (reviews): up to 1,500 words.

Cuadernos de Historia de España does not charge any fee to authors for the publication of articles. Access to its contents is free and open.

Characteristics and deadlines of the calls:

The journal opens an annual call for submissions of free articles and book reviews. Original texts received within the established deadlines (see below) and that strictly comply with the Guidelines for Authors will be considered by the Editorial Committee.

Deadlines for the reception of papers:

  • Free articles: Contributions are received between December of each year and February of the following year (inclusive).
  • Reviews: Contributions are received between March and July of each year (inclusive).

Once the deadlines indicated above have been fulfilled, the papers will be published in the following issue.

Evaluation system:

The articles submitted will be evaluated by anonymous referees following the double-blind review system in which the author does not know the identity of the reviewer and vice versa. Each contribution will have two evaluations under this system. In case of controversy between the opinions, the editorial board will resolve the decision based on the arguments given by the evaluators and the possibility of resorting to a third evaluation. Those articles that do not comply with the journal’s editorial guidelines will not be accepted for evaluation.


Open Access Policy:

The journal Cuadernos de Historia de España upholds its commitment to Open Access policies for scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and publicly funded research should circulate on the Internet freely and without restrictions. Thus, the journal provides open access to all its content free of charge and without time embargoes of any kind.

The contents and opinions expressed in published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.


Ethic and good practices:

Cuadernos de Historia de España adheres to the code of conduct and good practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this way, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of its publications and an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors.


Copyright notice:

Cuadernos de Historia de España is published by the Instituto de Historia de España of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and is distributed under a Creative Commons licence with 4.0 international attribution (CC-BY) that allows the reuse and adaptation of its contents as long as the corresponding credit is given.


Statement for authors:

Authors retain copyright and grant Cuadernos de Historia de España the right of first publication under a Creative Commons licence with 4.0 international attribution (CC-BY).

Authors may enter into other independent contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal as long as they clearly indicate that the first publication was made in Cuadernos de Historia de España.

Plagiarism detection policy:

All papers received are checked with two or more free programs available to detect plagiarism (for example: Paper Rater, Plagiarisma or CopioNIC, among others). The following situations may be considered as "plagiarism": a) the adoption of ideas or words of other authors as one's own in the article, without proper authority citations; b) the lack of quotation marks or acknowledgement of another's production, in a literal transcription of sentences; c) providing incorrect information about the true source of a quotation; d) abusive paraphrasing or without mentioning the source; e) self-plagiarism, as a specific form of plagiarism. Evaluators are warned to pay attention to these situations and in case a paper presents any of them, the Editorial Committee should be informed. The Editorial Committee, as the responsible for the fate of the text, must inform the author of the situation. The decision of the Editorial Committee is final.

Self-archive policy:

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.