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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article must include a document with the author's personal information: name and surname; e-mail address; contact telephone number; academic title; area/s of research; institutional affiliation -as it will appear in the article, in case it is published-; city and country of residence; and a mini-biography of the author of up to 100 words, indicating: maximum title, granting institution, area of research and main publications.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • URLs are provided for references whenever possible.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for the submission of original papers:

Two files are requested: on the one hand, one with the original work, devoid of references to the author's identity; on the other hand, a document with the contributor's personal information: name and surname; e-mail; contact telephone number; academic title; research area/s; institutional affiliation –as it will appear in the article, in case it is published–; city and country of residence and a mini-biography of the author of up to 100 words, indicating: maximum title achieved, awarding institution, area of research and main publications. This second document should also clarify whether the author will include a footnote in his or her paper, including acknowledgements or clarifications about the context of production of the study (sources of funding, collaborators, etc.). If so, the text of the footnote should be included in the second document in question.

Submissions should be made through this website.

Maximum length of contributions:

  • Articles: between 7,000 and 9,000 words.
  • Critical notes: up to 4,000 words.
  • Discussion papers: up to 3,000 words.
  • Bibliographical comments (reviews): up to 1,500 words.

Cuadernos de Historia de España subscribes to the standardized norms of the American Psychological Association (APA). Of which the following stand out:

1. General formatting considerations:

Papers should be submitted in A4 page size (21 x 29.7), in Times New Roman font, left-aligned title, font size 16 pt, left-aligned subtitles, font size 14 pt, with initial Arabic numbering and central text size 12 and 1.5 spacing, with justified paragraphs, without indentation or additional spaces.

In the case of articles, the following should be included at the beginning of the article:

Title in Spanish and English.

Abstract in Spanish and English, each up to 200 words.

Keywords in Spanish and English, up to five, in alphabetical order.

In the case of bibliographical comments (reviews), the complete citation of the work being commented (according to the rules below) and the complete data of the author (name and surname, and institutional affiliation) must be included. Reviews do not carry footnotes.

2. Citations:

For textual quotations of less than 40 words: in quotation marks and without italics, within the main text.

For textual quotations of more than 40 words: in a separate paragraph and with left and right indentation of one centimeter, without quotation marks and with font size 11 and 1.5 spacing.

All quotations should be translated into the language in which the paper is written or be translated in a footnote.

3. Bibliographic standards:

The reference of a textual quotation is not indicated in a footnote but in the body of the text, following the citation, in brackets. Only the author's name, year of publication and pages or paragraphs cited should be included if they apply, for example:

  1. Book or article with page number: (Raymond, 2007: 147).
  2. Book or article with paragraph number: (Encinas de Lázaro, 2002: § 52).
  3. Book or article with page number and note: (Comellas, 2006: 41, n. 2).
  4. Book or article with reference to several pages: (Paredes, 2010: 93 ff.).
  5. Complete works with acronym, volume and page number: (Hegel, GW 11: 279).
  6. For more than three authors the first author will be used followed by "et al.", for example: (Johnson et al., 1970: 25-26).
  7. For more than one work by the same author and year: (Paredes, 1988a, 1988b).
  8. When citing a specific volume of a multi-volume work, the number is inserted after the year: (García, 2003, 2: 46-49).
  9. If there is no textual citation, the reference is footnoted, following the APA format. For example: Cfr. Mena (1990: 32-58). Or See Mena (2006: 32-58).

4. Notes:

Footnotes are reserved for making comments or consigning historical sources from Archives, not for indicating bibliographical references, and we recommend using them, as far as possible, in a restricted way regarding comments or observations. The footnote number should be placed after the punctuation mark, for example:

[...] also belong to prehistory,9 so that.....

Footnotes will have consecutive numbering, should be typed in font size 10, justified text, single spaced, and inserted automatically according to the word processor being used.

5. Final bibliography:

General considerations:

  • It is consigned at the end of the article
  • Each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.
    • It is ordered alphabetically by author's last name.
    • Works by the same author are ordered chronologically by the earliest date.
  • The date of publication of the work is written in parentheses, after the author's name.
  • If the date of publication does not appear, the abbreviation s. f. should be written in parentheses.
  • Book title: it is written in italics and ends with a period.
  • When the work has a subtitle, it is written after the title, separated by a colon and beginning with a capital letter. Example: Pérez Vega, I. (1985). El cielo y la tierra en sus manos: Los grandes propietarios de Ponce, 1816-1830. Río Piedras: Huracán.
  • The title of a journal article or book chapter is written without italics, followed by the title of the journal or book in which it appears (which will be in italics).
  • The title of the journal is written in italics, with upper- and lower-case letters. Arrillaga, M. (July-December, 1986). El cuento puertorriqueño actual. La revista del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, 3, 27-30.
  • For periodical publications, write the volume number in italics. Then write the issue number in parentheses without leaving a space if each issue is paginated separately.

Example: Potestá, P., & Hernández, M. C. (2010). Formulación de una metodología de formación y evaluación en empresarismo, bajo un modelo de competencias. TEC Empresarial, 4(2), 21-29.

Examples of citations:

(a) Full-length books:

Last name, N. (Year). Title. Place: Publisher.

Example: Cortázar, G. de (2003). Los mitos de la historia de España. Barcelona: Planeta.

Electronic version of printed book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx; Surnames, A. A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

  1. b) Chapter of a printed book:

Last name, A. A. and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Surname & B. Surname (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Place: Publisher.

Example: García de León, M. A. (2005). In the shadow of the University. In I. Morant (Dir.), Historia de las mujeres en España y América Latina. Madrid: Cátedra.

  1. c) Periodical publications:

Basic form: Surnames, A. A. A., Surnames, B. B., & Surnames, C. C. (Date). Title of article. Title of publication, volume(number), pp.-pp. DOI or URL.

Journal article. Example:

Artola Gallego, M. (2010). El proyecto ilustrado. Torre de los Lujanes. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Económica Matritense de Amigos del País, 67, 11-19.

  1. d) Historical sources:

Articles in periodicals: the criterion for journal articles is followed.

Sources in archives: they are cited in footnotes, in the following order: name of the archive, title or name of the document, complete location, year.

Clarifications on electronic documents:

  • No period is written after the Web address (URL).
  • Do not include the name of the database where the article was found.


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