García Ordóñez and the Count of Barcelona: the evolution of the defeats of the count (the 12th and 13th centuries)

  • Marija Blašković
Keywords: Cidian matter;historiography; medieval Spain; nobility


This article offers an analytical turn by focusing on two of the Cidʼs enemies, García Ordóñez and the Count of Barcelona, and their representations in the Historia Roderici and the Cantar de Mio Cid. The approach yields new insights and broadens the interpretive framework from both intertextual and intratextual perspectives. The worksʼ particularities shed light on their compositional contexts and, generally, on the transmission of memory. Moreover, by favoring a cultural-anthropological reading of these multifaceted works, they become important witnesses of the high medieval mentality, whose articulations did not cease to be modified in later works. Cidian matter;historiography; medieval Spain; nobility


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How to Cite
Blašković, M. (2023). García Ordóñez and the Count of Barcelona: the evolution of the defeats of the count (the 12th and 13th centuries). Cuadernos De Historia De España, (90).
Dossier: El Cid: narrativas y sociedades entre Historia y Literatura