“We had to remain neutral”: the Roosevelts and the Issue of Aid to The Spanish Republic during the Civil War (1936-1939)

Keywords: Aid, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Spanish Civil War, Neutrality


This paper analyses what kind of support was offered by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt to aid civilians and the Republican Government during the Spanish Civil War (1936 -1939), considering the decision that the US Government had taken to follow a policy of neutrality during the conflict. Although the only type of collaboration that was allowed by the neutrality legislation was humanitarian relief, the Roosevelts were not always neutral and, although late, on their own account they tried to help the Republican government with other supplies which were needed. We focus our attention on the Roosevelts’ different views and the rapprochement of positions that converged with their empathy towards the legitimate Republican government. All in all, this paper addresses some of their statements, initiatives, and actions, as well as their official inaction at certain crucial events to shed some light on the impact of their decisions not only on a critical moment of Spanish history, but also on the United States and on the international context.


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How to Cite
Arroyo Vázquez, M. L. (2024). “We had to remain neutral”: the Roosevelts and the Issue of Aid to The Spanish Republic during the Civil War (1936-1939). Cuadernos De Historia De España, (91). https://doi.org/10.34096/che.n91.15763