Nazi Germany and Spanish fascism during Civil War

  • Joan Maria Thomàs
Keywords: fascism, falangism, spanish Civil War, nazi party, nazi Germany


This article reflects on the relations established by Nazi Germany during the Spanish Civil War, first with the Spanish fascist party Falange Española de las JONS and later, from the moment of its creation, with the single party of the Franco regime, Falange Española Tradicionalista y of the JONS. It analyzes the origins and development of these relations, focusing on those of the political type of the State and the Nazi party established by the Chargé d’affaires and later Ambassador General Faupel, characterized by extreme interventionism, as well as those of his successor, the professional diplomat von Stohrer, characterized by a more detached attitude. The article also includes an analysis of the economic, military and police relations between the Nazi regime and the Francoist state during the war.


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How to Cite
Thomàs, J. M. (2020). Nazi Germany and Spanish fascism during Civil War. Cuadernos De Historia De España, (87), 37-54.
Dossier. La Guerra Civil española en perspectiva global