Concerning the historical knowledge of property land rights in the argentinian-bolivian border

  • Ana A. Teruel
Keywords: Property, rights, aboriginal, colony, republic


The aim of this work is to expose certain facts and questions regarding property rights, that developed along an extensive research that analyses in a comparative way rural structures and state policies on territorial land in the regions of the Puna, High Valleys and its Borders on each side of the argentinian-bolivian border. Even though the core of the quandary is in the XIX century and the earlier decades of the XX century, it was unavoidable to refer to the colonial period in search of certain answers, it was impossible as well to ignore the current recognition demands of the communal and rural movements. The core of this research will be the changes in the concept and rights to ownership, the governmental definition regarding them, and the effect in the process of confiscation to the land of the aboriginal people of the region. 


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Author Biography

Ana A. Teruel
Dra. en Historia. Conicet/ISHIR-UNHIR-UNJu 
How to Cite
Teruel, A. A. (1). Concerning the historical knowledge of property land rights in the argentinian-bolivian border. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (14), 63-86. Retrieved from