Una enfermedad color verde. La conformación del <i>self<i> de los jóvenes de familias <i>tareferas<i> de Misiones

  • María Luz Roa
Keywords: young rural people, periurban territories, yerba mate harvesters, subjetivity


From the mid-90’s in the province of Misiones there was generated a process of expulsion ofagricultural workers and smallholders living in the countryside. This population was concentrated in the periurban areas of intermediate cities in the province, and today they depend on the temporary work in the yerba mate harvest —tarefa—, occasional jobs in town, or they migrate to the Buenos Aires’s big cities. As part of these processes, young people are the first generation who was socialized in such territories. In this paper, María Luz Roa presents an analysis of the self-processes in young people from families whose main job is the tarefa, focusing on the corporal, situational and emotional dimensions. The author reflects particularly on the processes of self objectification of young people, given a particular importance to the tarefa suffering and bodily foundry in its conformation. In this regard, she notes that the young people draw various strategies linked to resistance to the tarefa suffering  identity of their parents. These findings demonstrate the leading role of the emboided emotion in the objectification of certain social relations. To assess these processes, she adopts an ethnographical approach.


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How to Cite
Roa, M. L. (1). Una enfermedad color verde. La conformación del <i>self<i> de los jóvenes de familias <i>tareferas<i&gt; de Misiones. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (12), 19-44. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/esnoa/article/view/783