El Diablo por la cocina. Muertos y diablos en la vida cotidiana del norte jujeño

  • Mario Vilca
Keywords: the dead, turning into devil, colonization, soul, fertility


This paper proposes to think on the impact of the process taken by the catholic church, troughwhich ancestors, and Andean forbears in general, were turned into devil beings, in Jujuy’s puna. The representations of the local population according different aspects related to the celebration of the dead in November, will be approached. These include: the place where the souls dwell, the question of their trip back to the living’s world, the attentions that they receive and the sanctions for not believers; likewise the power of dead and their incidence in the daily life of the puneños. On the other hand it proposes to identify the creative reelaboration of new axiological corpuses, as well as the persistence of ancient schemes that have been kept, and are present in these «opaque» spaces to the vigilant look of the colonial power.


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How to Cite
Vilca, M. (1). El Diablo por la cocina. Muertos y diablos en la vida cotidiana del norte jujeño. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (12), 45-58. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/esnoa/article/view/784