El Intermedio Tardío en la Sierra del Cajón (provincia de Catamarca). Avance de las investigaciones en Morro del Fraile

  • Javier Nastri
  • Victoria Coll Moritan
  • Carlos Belotti López de Medina
Keywords: Cajón hills, Late Intermediate period, Morro del Fraile


We present preliminary results of archaeological excavations at Morro del Fraile locality, within the hills of the Sierra del Cajon. As it is located in the barely explored high ravines and corresponds to the transition between Middle period and Late Intermediate period, its study helps to provide a more representative picture of the archaeology of the valleys and hills area.From the analysis of the findings, their stratigraphic disposition and associated radiocarbon dates, we discuss site function over time, potential practices performed by agents in the past and their activities at the site.


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How to Cite
Nastri, J., Coll Moritan, V., & Belotti López de Medina, C. (1). El Intermedio Tardío en la Sierra del Cajón (provincia de Catamarca). Avance de las investigaciones en Morro del Fraile. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (12), 81-110. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/esnoa/article/view/786