Reconversión territorial del modelo evangelizador en el Chaco Central: desde el modelo misional hacia la ayuda al desarrollo y las ONGs

  • Sergio Iván Braticevic
Keywords: NGOs, missions, development, focalization, territorial fragmentation


In this brief article, the author tries to advance in the analysis of the role that the NGOs has redeeming in the social life of the Central Chaco after the transformation of the evangelizing models of the churches (Catholic and Anglican principally), and the concomitant metamorphosis of the spatial model of the religious missions, centring on the execution of development projects. Taking the example of DIRLI program, he tries to discuss the notions that sustained the design inside the paradigm of focalized public policies, as well as the territorial fragmentation related to his implementation. Finally, some reflections are realized with regard to the territorial recent manifetations since NGOs and development´s aid appearances.


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How to Cite
Braticevic, S. I. (1). Reconversión territorial del modelo evangelizador en el Chaco Central: desde el modelo misional hacia la ayuda al desarrollo y las ONGs. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (10), 5-21. Retrieved from