Desde las tierras bajas de Jujuy. Una nueva ocupación prehispánica en el valle del río Perico (dpto. El Carmen)

  • Sebastián M. Peralta
  • María B. Cremonte
  • Agustina Scaro
  • Daniel Ochoa
  • Nicolás Lamberti
Keywords: Temperate Valleys, Desarrollos Regionales period, burials of adults in urns, Candelaria, Santa María


The contexts excavated at Las Pircas, located in the western sector of El Carmen Department are presented in this paper. Tentatively the pottery recovered allows placing this site during the first centuries of the second millennium AD, been unknown similar occupations in the area. Radiocarbon dating problems for this type of sites and their links with other cultural manifestations known for Lerma Valley relating to the presence of Candelaria and Santa María styles are discussed.


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How to Cite
Peralta, S. M., Cremonte, M. B., Scaro, A., Ochoa, D., & Lamberti, N. (1). Desde las tierras bajas de Jujuy. Una nueva ocupación prehispánica en el valle del río Perico (dpto. El Carmen). Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (10), 67-80. Retrieved from