De la iconografía precolombina al diseño moderno: el <i>Silabario de la Decoración Americana</i> de Ricardo Rojas

  • María Alba Boivisio
  • Marta Penhos
Keywords: pre-Hispanic art, Ricardo Rojas, Silabario de la Decoración Americana, americanism, indigenism


Silabario de la Decoración Americana is the Ricardo Rojas’ work specially dedicated to “analyzing” the pre-Hispanic art with the intention to convey the proposal of Eurinda: to incorporate the artistic Amerindian inheritance into contemporary art to add it to the Colonial European inheritance. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation between Silabario’s text and Silabario’s iconography. Fundamentally the dissociation between text and image –the book is profusely illustrated but which is read does not refers to which is seen- and the denial of the material dimension of image – in any case there are references to the material supports, stone, ceramic, metal, textile- imply a special process of appropriation and transformation of the “indigenous heritage”. In this process the pre-Hispanic art works turn into “illustrations” of Rojas’s theories, designs which can be used to construct an American modern aesthetic. 


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How to Cite
Boivisio, M. A., & Penhos, M. (1). De la iconografía precolombina al diseño moderno: el <i>Silabario de la Decoración Americana</i&gt; de Ricardo Rojas. Estudios E Investigaciones, (12), 44-57. Retrieved from