Teachers who tell pedagogical stories in pandemic. About the writing process of kinder garden teachers in educational places for daughters and sons of high school students who are mothers or fathers

  • María Laura Galli Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Nodo Filo de la “Red de Formación Docente y Narrativas Pedagógicas”.
Keywords: pedagogical stories, kinder garden teachers, pandemic


This work reports the incorporation to "narrate the own pedagogical experience" of a group of teachers who are members of the Early Childhood Program of the City of Buenos Aires from the arrival of the pandemic and the virtualization of education. Based on the same methodology with which they built the compilation "Teachers who count in a pandemic", the Narrative Documentation of Pedagogical Experiences, the journey made to the book is recovered: informative writings, exchanges in the teaching team, the appearance of the proposal of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, the change of focus of the writings, the discovery of the possibility of prioritizing "the value of the word, the record of lived experience that makes history, that leaves testimony of an era, of a doing and be a teacher”. How did this proposal impact didactic planning? And in communication with families? What spatial, temporal and institutional conditions are needed to give rise to these writing processes? In what ways do these accounts of pedagogical experience build concepts, knowledge, from the practice itself? This article intends to outline possible answers, never finished, always located, as well as to account for the transformative potential that joint work between the community and the public university can have.

Author Biography

María Laura Galli, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Nodo Filo de la “Red de Formación Docente y Narrativas Pedagógicas”.
Es docente de Nivel Inicial y Licenciada en Psicopedagogía. Realizó el Posgrado de Especialización en Educación Infantil, en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. Se desempeña como coordinadora pedagógica en el Programa Primera Infancia, del GCBA. Es profesora de Didáctica de Nivel Inicial en el Normal Nº7, de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Actualmente participa en proyectos de capacitación en la OMEP. Es integrante del Nodo Filo de la Red de Formación Docente y Narrativas Pedagógicas y autora y co-autora de diversas publicaciones de experiencias pedagógicas vinculadas a la educación en la Primera Infancia. Contacto: memoriapedagogica@gmail.com
How to Cite
Galli, M. L. (2021). Teachers who tell pedagogical stories in pandemic. About the writing process of kinder garden teachers in educational places for daughters and sons of high school students who are mothers or fathers. Redes De Extensión, 2(8), 25-31. https://doi.org/10.34096/redes.n8.10717
DOSSIER: Narrative documentation, teacher training and pedagogical work...