"Tightening the strings": construction of agenda and trajectory of the Accessibility Program of the National Museum of the Cabildo and the May Revolution (2017 - 2020)

Entrevista con Johanna Di Marco

  • Verónica Stáffora Programa Discapacidad y Accesibilidad SEUBE FFyL UBA y Área de Acción Cultural del Museo Etnográfico J. B. Ambrosetti, FFyL, UBA.
How to Cite
Stáffora, V. (2022). "Tightening the strings": construction of agenda and trajectory of the Accessibility Program of the National Museum of the Cabildo and the May Revolution (2017 - 2020). Redes De Extensión, 1(9), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.34096/redes.n9.12154
DOSSIER: Accessibility, production territories and actors at stake