An opportunity for affectivity in teacher training

  • Soledad Agostina Malnis Lauro Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Univesidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • María Belén Videla Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente Dora Acosta. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: Teacher training, Social Sciences, Didactics of Social Sciences, Arts, Comprehensive Sexual Education


In this article we propose to systematize and analyze our experience between 2018 and 2022 as a pedagogical duo in charge of the Teaching of Social Sciences III subject at the “Dora Acosta” Higher Institute of Teacher Training for Primary Education, located in the Carlos Mujica neighborhood. This instance addresses the disciplinary fields of Social Sciences and their specific Didactics, enhanced with the proposal to mainstream the approach of Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI). Initially we will carry out an institutional framing, framing the experience in the deployment of extension practices, and curricular, giving an account of the global focus of the subject. Then focus on the proposal of a particular activity in which we seek to articulate the didactics of recent history and the development of content on the last civic-military dictatorship with an artistic approach, supporting the assessment of affectivity, a gender perspective and human rights. Next, we will share some productions of the students, the result of this invitation, and we will address some reflections on the activity as a process. Finally, we will propose certain ideas that arise from the analysis on the incorporation of ESI and the artistic field as enhancers of reflective and affective processes for teacher training in the field of Social Sciences and its Specific Didactics.
How to Cite
Malnis Lauro, S. A., & Videla, M. B. (2023). An opportunity for affectivity in teacher training. Redes De Extensión, 2(10), 67-87.