Edward W. Said

Palestinian life in exile

  • Karina Bidaseca CONICET. NuSUR Núcleo sur- sur de estudios poscoloniales, afrodiaspóricos y feminismos EIDAES/UNSAM
  • Matías Lustman Núcleo sur- sur de estudios poscoloniales, afrodiaspóricos y feminismos EIDAES/UNSAM. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: Edward W. Said, Palestine, Exile, Orientalism


This article pays tribute to Edward W. Said, to his Palestinian life in exile between two worlds, and to his legacy. It is a reflection on the ethical and political rights that must be restored to subjugated peoples so that they can tell their stories in the face of representation which, by default, is always distorted and instantaneous. Between-worlds is perhaps the precise way to characterise his life as a Palestinian exile, and his work as an intellectual and musician. Said mastered orientalist and post-colonial criticism, comparative literature, music, always with a sincere and deep ethical-political commitment to the Palestinian people and to artists.
How to Cite
Bidaseca, K., & Lustman, M. (2023). Edward W. Said. Redes De Extensión, 2(10), 114-127. https://doi.org/10.34096/redes.n10.13976
DOSSIER: Tribute to Edward Said: Hermeneutics, Criticism and Liberation