Of shackles and emancipations

Said’s work as a pedagogical bulwark against the prevailing unrest

  • Verónica Seghezzo Cátedra Libre de Estudios Palestinos “Edward W. Said”, FFyL-UBA. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: Orientalism, Dehumanization, Pedagogize, Intelligibility, Hermeneutics


In a world where emancipatory frames of intelligibility are scarce, Edward Said provides, through his works, ways of thinking with the potential to liberate people, subjectivities and patterns of reasoning. In a context of complete dehumanization, marked by various oppressions and ways of being and feeling increasingly distant from human warmth, we highlight Said’s work as a protection against crushing totalizations. Here we conduct an analysis of the work Orientalism in order to pedagogize its content, transmit knowledge with commitment and rigor and expand ways of understanding the teaching task as a creation of conceptuality for others.
How to Cite
Seghezzo, V. (2023). Of shackles and emancipations. Redes De Extensión, 2(10), 190-208. https://doi.org/10.34096/redes.n10.14891
DOSSIER: Tribute to Edward Said: Hermeneutics, Criticism and Liberation