Training, experience and militancy: The University Extension Diploma Design and Planning of local development projects for job positions (2011-2015)
Training, University, Politics, Territory, Organizations
The article shows an extension experience that linked the university, the State and the territory between 2011 and 2015. The objective was to work together with social and political organizations in the development of productive projects that would result in the generation of work sources in the territory where they lived and in turn promoted the strengthening of the organization itself in the social, political and areas economic. We understand the experiences of territorialization of the university as the expression of a political and pedagogical project that acquires different formats based on identifying the social demands, institutional objectives, economic resources and real action capabilities of those who inhabit the spaces. From this, it is the state policies that impact by action or omission in these processes, opening possibilities or setting limits.
How to Cite
Levy, E. (2020). Training, experience and militancy: The University Extension Diploma Design and Planning of local development projects for job positions (2011-2015). Redes De Extensión, 1(7), 4-13. Retrieved from