Non-academic art activities at the Unpaz University. Putting in context the University Extension agenda

  • Daniel Cueva FFyL-UBA y Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: University Extension, Social agreement, New political subjects


This article relates some experiences from the University Extension area. These specific experiences allow us to analyse, from a theoretical perspective, the relationship created by these type of programs between Universities and some territorial organizations. However, this rich two-way interaction is disturbed by the neo-liberal context, as it is applied to the higher education.

Author Biography

Daniel Cueva, FFyL-UBA y Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras). Docente del Ciclo Básico Común (UBA). Departamento de Cultura, Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz.
How to Cite
Cueva, D. (2020). Non-academic art activities at the Unpaz University. Putting in context the University Extension agenda. Redes De Extensión, 1(7), 14-26. Retrieved from