¿Recepción o recepciones del Egipto antiguo? Expresiones de la globalización del conocimiento sobre el mundo antiguo
Palabras clave:
recepción del antiguo Egipto, terminología, mnemohistoria, egiptomanía
Un marco conceptual claro, un correcto conocimiento y uso de la terminología y una comprensión de cómo las nociones y conceptos se posicionan y relacionan entre sí, son herramientas esenciales para el trabajo del investigador, cualquiera que sea su campo de estudio y su cronología. En las investigaciones en el área de los estudios de recepción del antiguo Egipto, se puede constatar la existencia de una pluralidad y diversidad de conceptos y denominaciones cuyo significado y alcance no son siempre claros, donde se superponen algunos e incluso se manejan nociones que son producto de prejuicios y en las que hay, todavía, cierto pudor y decoro. Algunos autores han recientemente identificado y discutido la necesidad de clarificar la terminología utilizada. Sin embargo, se siguen detectando ciertas imprecisiones, muchas incertidumbres e interpretaciones aún menos acertadas, que hacen que persistan dudas sobre cuál es el concepto más correcto (o el menos engañoso) a aplicar en cada caso. Como aportación a un arreglo conceptual en este campo de estudio cada vez más trabajado, el objetivo principal de este texto es identificar y definir la terminología de la recepción del antiguo Egipto, avanzando además con una propuesta de categorización, jerarquización y aplicación de conceptos.Descargas
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Assmann, A. (2008). Transformation between History and Memory, em: Social Research 75 (1): 49-72.
Assmann, J. (1997). Moses the Egyptian. The memory of Egypt in western Monotheism. Cambridge / Londres: Harvard University Press.
Assmann, J. (2000). Weisbeit und Mysterium: Das Bild der Griechen von Ägypten. Munich: Beck.
Assmann, J. (2006). Erinnertes Ägypten Pharaonische Motive in der europäischen Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. Berlín: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
Assmann, J. (2010). Religio duplex - Ägyptische Mysterien und europäische Aufklärung. Berlín: Verlag der Weltreligionen.
Assmann, J. (2017). Egyptian Mysteries and Secret Societies in the Age of Enlightenment. A ‘mnemo-historical’ study, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 1: 4-25.
Assmann, J. e Czaplicka, J. (1995). Collective Memory and Cultural Identity, em: New German Critique 65: 125-133.
Assmann, J. e Ebeling, F. (2020). The Mnemohistory of Egypt. Approaches towards the understanding of Egypt in Intellectual History, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 23-38.
Bednarski, A. (2010). The Reception of Egypt in Europe, em: Lloyd, A. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, vol. 2. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1086-1108.
Brockliss, W., Chaudhuhi, P., Lushkov, A. H. e Wasdin, K. (2012). Reception and the Classics. An interdisciplinary approach to the Classical Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Burke, P. (1997). Varieties of Cultural History. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Curl, J. S. (2005). The Egyptian Revival. Ancient Egypt as the Inspiration for Design Motifs in the West. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge.
Day, J. (2006). The Mummy’s Curse. Mummymania in the English-speaking world. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge.
Dobson, E. e Tonks, N. (2018). Introduction: Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Culture, em: Nineteenth-Century Contexts 4: 311-315.
Doyle, N. (2016). The earliest known uses of “L’Égytomanie”/“Egyptomania” in French and English, em: Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 8: 122-125.
Ebeling, F. (2017). Editorial Note, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 1: 1-3.
Ebeling, F. (2018). Editorial Note. Jan Assmann’s Transformation of reception studies to cultural history, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 3: 1-8.
Ebeling, F. (2019). Editorial Note. Nachleben and the Cultural Memory of Ancient Egypt, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 4: 1-5.
Fazzini, R. A. e McKercher, M. E. (2001). Egyptomania, em: Redford, D. B. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt -Volume I. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 458-465.
Fritze, R. H. (2016). Egyptomania: A History of Fascination, Obsession and Fantasy. Londres: Reaktion Books.
Hardwick, L. (2003). Reception Studies. Greece & Rome (New Surveys in the Classics 33). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hardwick, L. e Stray, C. (2008). Introduction: Making Connections, em: Hardwick, L. e Stray, C. (eds.), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1-9.
Hodos, T. (2017). Globalization. Some basics. An Introduction to ‘The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization’, em: Hodos, T. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge, 3-11.
Holt, F. L. (1986). Egyptomania: Have We Cursed the Pharaohs?, em: Archaeology 39 (2): 60-63.
Humbert, J.-M. (1989). L’Égyptomanie dans l’art occidental. París: Éd. ACR.
Humbert, J.-M. (2020). Plaidoyer pour l’Égyptomanie, ou Comment s’approprier une Égypte fantasmée, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 39-52.
Jarsaillon, C. (2018). Modern Egyptomania and Early Egyptology: the Case of Mariette’s 1867 Egyptian Temple, em: Nineteenth-Century Contexts 4: 359-376.
Leclant, J. (1969). En quête de l’Égyptomanie, em: Revue de l’Art 5: 82-88.
Leclant, J. (1985). De l’égyptophilie à l’égyptologie: érudits, voyageurs, collectionneurs et mécènes, em: Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 4: 630-647.
Lloyd, A. B. (2010). The Reception of Pharaonic Egypt in Classical Antiquity, em: Lloyd, A. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, vol. 2. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1067-1085.
Lupton, C. (2003). ‘Mummymania’ for the masses - Is Egyptology cursed by the mummy’s curse?, em: Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (eds.), Consuming Ancient Egypt. Encounters with ancient Egypt. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 23-46.
Lupton, C. (2013). Egyptomania, western, em: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. e Huebner, S. R. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2340-2343.
Martindale, C. (2007a). Reception, em: Hornblower, S. e Spawforth, A. (eds.), The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1294-1295.
Martindale, C. (2007b). Reception, em: Kallendorf, C. W. (ed.), A Companion to the Classical Tradition. Malden / Oxford / Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 297-311.
Meltzer, E. S. (2001). Egyptology, em: Redford, D. B. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 448-458.
Moreno García, J. C. (2020). Egyptology and Global History: An Introduction, em: Journal of Egyptian History 13: 5-10.
Moser, S. (2014). Legacies of Engagement: The multiple manifestations of ancient Egypt in Public Discourse, em: Carruthers, W. (ed.), Histories of Egyptology. Interdisciplinary Measures. Londres: Routledge, 242-252.
Moser, S. (2015). Reconstructing Ancient Worlds: Reception Studies, Archaeological Representation and Interpretation of Ancient Egypt, em: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 4: 1263-1308.
Moser, S. (2020). The Magic of the Material. Receptions of ancient Egypt and their impacts, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 225-236.
Nora, P. (2008). Pierre Nora en Les lieux de mémoire. Montevideo: Ediciones Trilce.
Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (2003). Introduction - Tea with a Mummy: The Consumer’s View of Egypt’s Immemorial Appeal, em: Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (eds.), Consuming Ancient Egypt. Encounters with ancient Egypt. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 1-22.
Sales, J. C. e Mota, S. (2019). Tutankhamon em Portugal. Relatos na Imprensa Portuguesa (1922-1939): Um Contributo para os Estudos de Recepção do Antigo Egipto, em: Heródoto 2: 27-58.
Squire, M. (2015). Theories of Reception, em: Marconi, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 637-661.
Stienne, A. (2017). Encountering Egyptian Mummies, 1753-1858. PhD Thesis. Leicester: University of Leicester.
Vargas, A. Z. (2019). Charles Martindale. A Recepção da Antiguidade e os estudos clássicos, em: Silva, G. J. e Carvalho, A. G. (eds.), Como se escreve a História da Antiguidade. Olhares sobre o antigo. São Paulo, 750-773.
Venit, M. S. (2002). Ancient Egyptomania: The Uses of Egypt in Graeco-Roman Alexandria, em: Ehrenberg, E. (ed.), Leaving No Stones Unturned. Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 261-278.
Versluys, M. J. (2017). Exploring Aegyptiaca and their material agency throughout global history, em: Hodos, T. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge, 74-89.
Versluys, M. J. (2018). “Une géographie intérieure”: The Perpetual Presence of Egypt, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 3: 159-166.
Whitehouse, H. (1997). Egyptomanias, em: American Journal of Archaeology 1: 158-161.
Assmann, J. (1997). Moses the Egyptian. The memory of Egypt in western Monotheism. Cambridge / Londres: Harvard University Press.
Assmann, J. (2000). Weisbeit und Mysterium: Das Bild der Griechen von Ägypten. Munich: Beck.
Assmann, J. (2006). Erinnertes Ägypten Pharaonische Motive in der europäischen Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. Berlín: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
Assmann, J. (2010). Religio duplex - Ägyptische Mysterien und europäische Aufklärung. Berlín: Verlag der Weltreligionen.
Assmann, J. (2017). Egyptian Mysteries and Secret Societies in the Age of Enlightenment. A ‘mnemo-historical’ study, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 1: 4-25.
Assmann, J. e Czaplicka, J. (1995). Collective Memory and Cultural Identity, em: New German Critique 65: 125-133.
Assmann, J. e Ebeling, F. (2020). The Mnemohistory of Egypt. Approaches towards the understanding of Egypt in Intellectual History, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 23-38.
Bednarski, A. (2010). The Reception of Egypt in Europe, em: Lloyd, A. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, vol. 2. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1086-1108.
Brockliss, W., Chaudhuhi, P., Lushkov, A. H. e Wasdin, K. (2012). Reception and the Classics. An interdisciplinary approach to the Classical Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Burke, P. (1997). Varieties of Cultural History. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Curl, J. S. (2005). The Egyptian Revival. Ancient Egypt as the Inspiration for Design Motifs in the West. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge.
Day, J. (2006). The Mummy’s Curse. Mummymania in the English-speaking world. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge.
Dobson, E. e Tonks, N. (2018). Introduction: Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Culture, em: Nineteenth-Century Contexts 4: 311-315.
Doyle, N. (2016). The earliest known uses of “L’Égytomanie”/“Egyptomania” in French and English, em: Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 8: 122-125.
Ebeling, F. (2017). Editorial Note, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 1: 1-3.
Ebeling, F. (2018). Editorial Note. Jan Assmann’s Transformation of reception studies to cultural history, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 3: 1-8.
Ebeling, F. (2019). Editorial Note. Nachleben and the Cultural Memory of Ancient Egypt, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 4: 1-5.
Fazzini, R. A. e McKercher, M. E. (2001). Egyptomania, em: Redford, D. B. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt -Volume I. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 458-465.
Fritze, R. H. (2016). Egyptomania: A History of Fascination, Obsession and Fantasy. Londres: Reaktion Books.
Hardwick, L. (2003). Reception Studies. Greece & Rome (New Surveys in the Classics 33). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hardwick, L. e Stray, C. (2008). Introduction: Making Connections, em: Hardwick, L. e Stray, C. (eds.), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1-9.
Hodos, T. (2017). Globalization. Some basics. An Introduction to ‘The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization’, em: Hodos, T. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge, 3-11.
Holt, F. L. (1986). Egyptomania: Have We Cursed the Pharaohs?, em: Archaeology 39 (2): 60-63.
Humbert, J.-M. (1989). L’Égyptomanie dans l’art occidental. París: Éd. ACR.
Humbert, J.-M. (2020). Plaidoyer pour l’Égyptomanie, ou Comment s’approprier une Égypte fantasmée, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 39-52.
Jarsaillon, C. (2018). Modern Egyptomania and Early Egyptology: the Case of Mariette’s 1867 Egyptian Temple, em: Nineteenth-Century Contexts 4: 359-376.
Leclant, J. (1969). En quête de l’Égyptomanie, em: Revue de l’Art 5: 82-88.
Leclant, J. (1985). De l’égyptophilie à l’égyptologie: érudits, voyageurs, collectionneurs et mécènes, em: Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 4: 630-647.
Lloyd, A. B. (2010). The Reception of Pharaonic Egypt in Classical Antiquity, em: Lloyd, A. (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, vol. 2. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1067-1085.
Lupton, C. (2003). ‘Mummymania’ for the masses - Is Egyptology cursed by the mummy’s curse?, em: Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (eds.), Consuming Ancient Egypt. Encounters with ancient Egypt. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 23-46.
Lupton, C. (2013). Egyptomania, western, em: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. e Huebner, S. R. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2340-2343.
Martindale, C. (2007a). Reception, em: Hornblower, S. e Spawforth, A. (eds.), The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1294-1295.
Martindale, C. (2007b). Reception, em: Kallendorf, C. W. (ed.), A Companion to the Classical Tradition. Malden / Oxford / Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 297-311.
Meltzer, E. S. (2001). Egyptology, em: Redford, D. B. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 448-458.
Moreno García, J. C. (2020). Egyptology and Global History: An Introduction, em: Journal of Egyptian History 13: 5-10.
Moser, S. (2014). Legacies of Engagement: The multiple manifestations of ancient Egypt in Public Discourse, em: Carruthers, W. (ed.), Histories of Egyptology. Interdisciplinary Measures. Londres: Routledge, 242-252.
Moser, S. (2015). Reconstructing Ancient Worlds: Reception Studies, Archaeological Representation and Interpretation of Ancient Egypt, em: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 4: 1263-1308.
Moser, S. (2020). The Magic of the Material. Receptions of ancient Egypt and their impacts, em: Versluys, M. V. (ed.), Beyond Egyptomania, Objects, Style and Agency (Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus 21). Berlín: De Gruyter, 225-236.
Nora, P. (2008). Pierre Nora en Les lieux de mémoire. Montevideo: Ediciones Trilce.
Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (2003). Introduction - Tea with a Mummy: The Consumer’s View of Egypt’s Immemorial Appeal, em: Rice, M. e MacDonald, S. (eds.), Consuming Ancient Egypt. Encounters with ancient Egypt. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 1-22.
Sales, J. C. e Mota, S. (2019). Tutankhamon em Portugal. Relatos na Imprensa Portuguesa (1922-1939): Um Contributo para os Estudos de Recepção do Antigo Egipto, em: Heródoto 2: 27-58.
Squire, M. (2015). Theories of Reception, em: Marconi, C. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 637-661.
Stienne, A. (2017). Encountering Egyptian Mummies, 1753-1858. PhD Thesis. Leicester: University of Leicester.
Vargas, A. Z. (2019). Charles Martindale. A Recepção da Antiguidade e os estudos clássicos, em: Silva, G. J. e Carvalho, A. G. (eds.), Como se escreve a História da Antiguidade. Olhares sobre o antigo. São Paulo, 750-773.
Venit, M. S. (2002). Ancient Egyptomania: The Uses of Egypt in Graeco-Roman Alexandria, em: Ehrenberg, E. (ed.), Leaving No Stones Unturned. Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 261-278.
Versluys, M. J. (2017). Exploring Aegyptiaca and their material agency throughout global history, em: Hodos, T. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Londres / Nueva York: Routledge, 74-89.
Versluys, M. J. (2018). “Une géographie intérieure”: The Perpetual Presence of Egypt, em: Aegyptiaca. Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt 3: 159-166.
Whitehouse, H. (1997). Egyptomanias, em: American Journal of Archaeology 1: 158-161.
Cómo citar
Sales, J. das C., & Mota, S. (2023). ¿Recepción o recepciones del Egipto antiguo? Expresiones de la globalización del conocimiento sobre el mundo antiguo. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental ’Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser’, (24). https://doi.org/10.34096/rihao.n24.13749
Dossier. Egiptología iberoamericana (primera parte)