Reception or Receptions of Ancient Egypt? Different Expressions of the Globalization of Knowledge of the Ancient World

  • José das Candeias Sales
  • Susana Mota
Keywords: reception of Ancient Egypt, terminology, egyptomania, mnemohistory


A clear conceptual framework, correct knowledge and use of terminology, and an understanding of how notions and concepts are positioned and relate to each other are essential to any researcher’s work, whatever the field of study and the chronology to which he or she is engaged. On research in the field of ancient Egypt reception studies, one notices the existence of a plurality and diversity of concepts and terms whose meaning and scope are not always straightforward, where some overlap, and even some notions are products of prejudice and which still show a certain embarrassment and modesty. Some authors have recently identified and discussed the need to methodologically clarify the terminology used. However, certain inaccuracies, many uncertainties, and even incorrect interpretations continue to be detected, causing confusion about the correct (or at least, less misleading) concepts to apply in each case. As a contribution to a conceptual arrangement in this increasingly studied field, the main objective of this article is to identify and define the terminology of the reception of ancient Egypt, while also putting forward a proposal for categorization, hierarchization and application of concepts.


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How to Cite
Sales, J. das C., & Mota, S. (2023). Reception or Receptions of Ancient Egypt? Different Expressions of the Globalization of Knowledge of the Ancient World. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (24).
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