About the Journal

Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO) is the scholarly journal of the Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser” (Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Its aim is to publish scholarly contributions related to the history of Ancient Near Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean societies, from the Paleolithic through the Roman-Hellenistic period. Manuscripts offering theoretical or interdisciplinary approaches will also be considered. All published papers must be original, except those that the Editorial Board considers to be of special interest because they stimulate debate or may serve as a reference for future research. Papers submitted to RIHAO are sent to one or two referees external to the Editorial Board, in accordance with the double-blind peer review system. RIHAO is published once a year (each issue covering the period January-December), and includes articles, brief communications and book reviews in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, or Italian.


Peer review process

Articles submitted to RIHAO are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board, in order to consider their suitability to the objectives, guidelines, scope and editorial standards of the journal. Articles that meet these conditions are sent for evaluation to one or two referees external to the Editorial Board, in accordance with the double-blind peer review system. They are instructed to evaluate the relevance of the topic, the quality and clarity of the writing and the methodology of the author(s). They recommend whether the paper be accepted, rejected or accepted with modifications. In the latter case, the acceptance of a manuscript will be conditional until the necessary revisions have been made, and the Editorial Board considers the paper ready for publication. In case of controversy or other duly justified reasons, the article may be sent to an additional external referee, for which the previously expressed criteria will be maintained. The final decision on acceptance or rejection will be made by the Editorial Board.


Open Access Policy

RIHAO is committed to open access policies for scientific information, believing that scientific publications and publicly funded research should be freely and unrestrictedly circulated on the Internet. Published material may be read, downloaded and printed, as well as distributed and copied in accordance with the licence below.


Creative Commons License

Works published in RIHAO are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may copy and redistribute the material provided that you properly credit the authorship and place of publication of the original, indicate if changes were made to it, and distribute your contributions under the same licence as the original. This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.


Author rights

Authors of original works retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.


Article processing charges

RIHAO does not charge any fees or charges for the evaluation and processing of articles.


Plagiarism detection

Authors wishing to submit papers to RIHAO are urged to avoid any practice that could be considered plagiarism, i.e. the exact reproduction of text, tables, images or other material from other authors or publications without giving proper credit of authorship or source. Textual quotations must be expressly placed in quotation marks, mentioning authorship and provenance. Recognising that this is the authors' responsibility, the Editorial Board will nevertheless carry out an anti-plagiarism check prior to the submission of each paper for peer review, making use of extensive web research and plagiarism checking software.



The journal allows the deposit of both the pre-print and the post-print and even the final version, however temporary, in repositories, catalogues and others.


Indexation, directories and databases