La The trope issue of Old Kingdom war reliefs

  • Anthony John Spalinger
Keywords: persistent enemies of Egypt, Libyan family scene, war reliefs, Sahure


This paper presents a discussion of the repeated topos of the Libyan enemy in Old Kingdom royal depictions. The presence of this one common enemy ofEgypt within repeated written and pictorial sources from the Old Kingdom parallels indicates a nationalist feeling, one connected to the self-identity of theEgyptians, can be traced to a very early time in history. The fact that this “theme” persists throughout Egyptian history is of great importance. Libyan-Egyptianrelations must be seen as not merely hostile in attitude from a primordial era, but also as a theme that could be re-used over and over to magnify the kings’military performances.


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How to Cite
Spalinger, A. J. (2022). La The trope issue of Old Kingdom war reliefs. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (23).