25 Years of Archaeological and Epigraphic Work at Saqqara. Reconstructing the Tomb of Imephor Impy Nikauptah from Kom el-Khamaseen

  • Josep Cervelló Autuori
Keywords: Saqqara, First Intermediate Period, Memphite priesthood, archaeological plundering


Between 2019 and 2022, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona carried out archaeological excavations at the necropolis of Kom el-Khamaseen, in southwest Saqqara. The site has been excavated in its entirety. The “Kom el-Khamaseen Project”, however, is much older. It began with a small survey in 1997, making it 25 years old in 2022. The survey did not lead to an excavation because in 1999 the site was violently looted, resulting in the destruction of the funerary buildings that once stood there and the theft of many artefacts (decorated limestone blocks and block fragments and funerary statuettes) that later appeared on the antiquities market around the world. This paper explains the history of this research project and, based on all the evidence recovered from the site (after the 1999 looting and during the recent excavations) and traced in the antiquities market, proceeds to the reconstruction of the tomb of the best documented individual in the necropolis: the high priest of the gods Ptah and Sokar of Memphis called Imephor Impy Nikauptah.


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How to Cite
Cervelló Autuori, J. (2023). 25 Years of Archaeological and Epigraphic Work at Saqqara. Reconstructing the Tomb of Imephor Impy Nikauptah from Kom el-Khamaseen. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (24). https://doi.org/10.34096/rihao.n24.13730
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