Latest Finds in Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa), Egypt. 2021 Campaign. Tombs 53 and 54 from the Saite Period

  • Maite Mascort Roca
  • Esther Pons Mellado
Keywords: Oxyrhynchus, tombs, Saite period, funerary equipment


In the year 2021, two individual tombs from the Saite period (664-525 BC) built with large limestone blocks were located in the Upper Oxyrhynchus Necropolis. One of them (53) had been looted and part of its architectural structure was lost, but inside there was an anthropomorphic female stone sarcophagus with a slightly displaced lid that had a mummified individual in a rather poor state of preservation, as well as tubular and round beads from the funerary mesh, and an amulet. The second tomb (54) was closed and sealed, and inside it an anthropomorphic male stone sarcophagus with a mummified individual was found. It was accompanied by important grave goods: a large number of amulets, a heart scarab, and abundant tubular and round beads of faience. On the east and west sides of the tomb there were two niches where the four canopic jars had been deposited. Next to the head of the sarcophagus, 399 shabtis were found, some with inscriptions. The discovery of an intact tomb is of great relevance for the knowledge of the Egyptian funerary world since it indicates the place where the objects were placed and their disposition.


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How to Cite
Mascort Roca, M., & Pons Mellado, E. (2023). Latest Finds in Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa), Egypt. 2021 Campaign. Tombs 53 and 54 from the Saite Period. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (24).
Dossier. Egiptología iberoamericana (primera parte)