The Presence of Cats and Dogs in the Christian Tombs of Oxyrhynchus

  • Bibiana Agustí IN SITU SCP / Missió Arqueològica Oxirrinc, Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic, Universitat de Barcelona, España
  • Irene Riudavets NURARQ SC / Missió Arqueològica Oxirrinc, Institut del Pròxim Orient Antic, Universitat de Barcelona, España
Keywords: burial goods, pets, Christian period, pharaonic continuity


Excavation works carried out inside the funerary Crypt 1 at Sector 29, dating from the Byzantine period at the Upper Necropolis at Oxyrhynchus (Minya, Egypt), have provided some animal deposits that differ significantly, both formally and conceptually, from the habitual food products from their own gardens and stockyard and that neither form part of the community regular diet. As a result, they can be considered ritual funerary offerings that are not related with Christian tradition but could be some reminiscence linked to rituals concerning mummified animals from pharaonic tradition.


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How to Cite
Agustí, B., & Riudavets, I. (2024). The Presence of Cats and Dogs in the Christian Tombs of Oxyrhynchus. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental ’Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser’, (25).
Dossier. Egiptología iberoamericana (segunda parte)