Egypt in Argentina: the Odyssey of the Matthews-Beyens family Egyptian Collection
Since its formation in the 19th century, the Matthews-Beyens family Egyptian collection has been growing while passing from generation to generation. This sustained growth stopped in the last quarter of the 20th century when the sale of artifacts comprising the collection began, resulting in an increasing dispersion of the primitive heritage. Before the year 2000, some objects of the Egyptian collection were auctioned and sold in antique shops and auctioned in Buenos Aires (Argentina). In 2003, the first sale to a private individual was drawn up and verified by a notary; the purchase included 77 artifacts that were defined then as Ethnographic Art. Most of the objects from this collection are small and include shabtis, statuettes, reliefs, jewelry and ornaments, amulets, scarabs, vases and other cosmetic items, as well as several vessels and pot-tery lamps. Among all these small artifacts, we can find genuine and replica ancient Egyptian items. Considering that all items lack archeological context, their dating has been carried out based on known parallels from other collections, both public and private, and their analysis has been approached by contextualizing them within the collection itself.Downloads
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