Los hurro-amorritas de Canaán. Una hipótesis alternativa sobre el origen de los hebreos

  • Bernardo Gandulla
Keywords: Hebrews, Hurro-Amorites, Benjaminites, Yahweh


This paper investigates two factors in the ethnogenesis of the historical Hebrews as an alternative explanation to the traditional view, which holds an exclusivist and untainted originality deprived of exogenous and regional cultural influences. Our hypothesis maintains that the Hebrews are the final expression of a long and intense cultural interaction and mixing of West-Semitic, Anatolian- Caucasian and Canaanite populations. This hypothesis is supported by the comparative analysis of material and textual culture in Canaan, the kingdom of Mari and the Hurrian juridical institutions, attending to the Benjaminite tribes and the relationship between the Amorrite deity Yawi and the Yahweh of the Old Testament. 


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How to Cite
Gandulla, B. (1). Los hurro-amorritas de Canaán. Una hipótesis alternativa sobre el origen de los hebreos. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (18), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.34096/rihao.n18.4919