Theme and scope

The Beckettiana magazine is an academic journal whose purpose is to promote debate / offer a space for discussion about the work of Samuel Beckett in the different aspects that revolve around his production: theater, poetry, representation, translation, intertextuality, Ireland and politics, his relationship with philosophy, his texts on plastic arts, etc.

It publishes original and unpublished works with the following themes: the work of Samuel Beckett. They can be articles, notes, discussions or reviews.

Its periodicity is annual (October-November).


section policy

Beckettiana It has a permanent open call. The collaborations presented must be original and unpublished and may not be simultaneously in the evaluation process in another publication.

  • The Articles section considers for its publication original and unpublished research works on central aspects of the work of Samuel Beckett.
  • The Notes section includes essays on different aspects such as the experiences of an actor or director on the staging of Beckett's works, comments on scientific meetings on works by the Irish author, documents, etc.
  • The Dossier section (when applicable) considers for publication sets of up to 6 papers with a common theme, related to the objectives of the journal under an appropriate title and with an introduction.
  • The Reviews section offers critiques of recently published books or new releases of Samuel Beckett's works that stand out for their contributions to the discipline.


Peer review process

The articles will be evaluated by external reviewers selected by the Editorial Committee following the guidelines of the double-blind arbitration system, keeping the identity of the author and the reviewers confidential during the evaluation process to guarantee the quality of the content. The Editorial Committee will make a first review of the originals to ensure proper compliance with the journal's publishing standards. After this stage, the articles will be sent to external referees to assess their quality. If the evaluations do not coincide and have discrepancies, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to request a third evaluation. Depending on the judgment expressed by those who evaluate, the Editorial Committee may accept, request modifications or reject the contribution.


Open Access Policy and Article Processing Charges (APC)

Beckettiana upholds its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds must circulate on the Internet freely, freely and without restrictions. It adheres to the Open Access model of the Budapest Open Access Initiative ( BOAI ) declaration , which is why it provides free, free and immediate access to its online content, without establishing temporary embargoes.

Readers and users in general have immediate access to the materials published in the journal, being able to read, download, copy, distribute, print, add links to their full texts, crawl them for indexing, incorporate them as data in software, or use them for any other legal purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from access to the Internet itself, and with the only requirement of acknowledging the corresponding credits to the authors and to the journal as first publication.

San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation. on Research Assessment , DORA) .

The content published in this magazine is distributed under Creative Commons 4.0 International License (CC- BY - NC -SA) : it can be shared, distributed, adapted or transformed as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the original source of publication in this magazine, for non-commercial purposes and redistributed under the same license.


This journal does not collect in any case the collection of fees for receiving and/or processing articles.


Plagiarism detection policy

All papers received are checked with two or more free programs available to detect plagiarism (for example: Paper Rater, Plagiarisma or CopioNIC, among others). The following situations may be considered as "plagiarism": a) the adoption of ideas or words of other authors as one's own in the article, without proper authority citations; b) the lack of quotation marks or acknowledgement of another's production, in a literal transcription of sentences; c) providing incorrect information about the true source of a quotation; d) abusive paraphrasing or without mentioning the source; e) self-plagiarism, as a specific form of plagiarism.


Copyright notice

Those who publish in this magazine accept the following conditions:

  • The authors [translators] retain the copyright and assign to the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International License , which allows third parties to use what has been published as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this journal.
  • Authors may enter into other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was first published in this journal.
  • Authors are allowed and recommended to publish their work on the Internet (for example, on institutional or personal pages), preferably linking or linking to the first publication.


Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.


Code of ethics and good practices

Beckettiana is based on the guidelines of COPE ( Committee on publication Ethics ) adapted according to the uses and requirements of our disciplinary field. In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the adequate response to the needs of the readers and the authors. The code is addressed to the editorial team, authors and reviewers. Entries that do not meet these ethical standards will be discarded.


Preservation policy

The preservation and recovery of the information published in Beckettiana is guaranteed by its inclusion in the Repositorio Institucional de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires FILO:Digital.