Configuraciones temporales y función narrativa en el teatro beckettiano

  • Gunnary Prado Coronado
Keywords: Beckett, theatre, Ricoeur, plot, mimesis, narrative intelligence


This article´s main purpose is to analyze the plays of Samuel Beckett: Endgame, Krapp’s last Tape and Happy days, from the hermeneutic-phenomenological literary theory approach referring to the presentation of Paul Ricoeur Time and Narration. This Ricoeur´s research explains the principle of narrative intelligence, which involves a superposition of narrative understanding over narrative rationality and reviews the concept of mimesis and plot,facing contemporary literature. In this essay different time records of each dramatic piece are studied as an attempt to remove the misreading. According to this conceptual framework, it has been found that Beckett’s temporary experience is not only “waiting”. Conversely, finding threwusclear evidence that time and its evolutions are different, but like action, are conditioned by the particular use of language in Beckett play. 


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How to Cite
Prado Coronado, G. (1). Configuraciones temporales y función narrativa en el teatro beckettiano. Beckettiana, (14), 53-62. Retrieved from