Multiplicity and ambivalence: New joints in Librarianship and Information Science

  • Alejandro E. Parada Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, INIBI, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Library and Information Science, Theoretical aspects


The present work reproduces the inaugural conference of the 48º Reunión Nacional de Bibliotecarios “Bibliotecarios: integración, identidad regional y abordaje transversal” organized by the Asociación de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la República Argentina (ABGRA) in April 2016. It introduces several issues of prime importance for Librarianship and Information Science. The following matters, among others, are taken into account: Multiplicity of approaches to the discipline within an ambivalent framework; new problems of interpretation as a result of the “technological spatialities”; the topic focused on the nomination, professional identity and training; reflection on epistemological, ethical and axiological aspects of the librarian theory and praxis; and the sometimes hidden topic of socio-political entanglements in the realities of our field. Finally, on the basis of the previous issues and within the frame of our postmodern societies, a series of conceptualizations and thoughts are preliminarily outlined.


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How to Cite
Parada, A. E. (1). Multiplicity and ambivalence: New joints in Librarianship and Information Science. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (35), 137-146.