Dilemmas of Argentine university libraries regarding the access and dissemination of scientific literature
In this essay we reflect on the role of the university librarian as a disseminating agent and provider of access to scientific information in Argentina. First, we present the problems that arise in the professional practice and generate us dilemmas: The tension between the right of access to information and intellectual property; our imaginary on open access and the way in which we disseminate it into the academic community, facing the rules of the scientific field that researchers must follow to progress in their careers; and the relationship with commercial providers in front of our convictions about the way forward to achieve the democratization of access to scientific knowledge. After the debate on these dilemmas, where we brought to the dialogue our own experiences and those of colleagues, as well as those found in the consulted literature, we discuss some aspects to rethink our role in the academy, putting the focus of attention on our social function.Downloads
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