The editorial article: an opinion from backstage

  • Susana Romanos de Tiratel Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas-INIBI, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Puán 480, 4º piso, oficina 8. C1406CQJ Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Editorial articles, Library and Information Science, Scientific periodicals


The author defines the editorial articles, provides their types, and its meaning from the perspective of the "kitchen" or "backstage" of the journal. Using a core collection of titles specialized in Library & Information Science, identifies the majority existence of the article editorial, their various section names and characteristic features: leading articles or presentations of the papers of each journal issue. The author attempts an explanation for this disparity and reflects on the commitment that involves identifying problems and express opinions.


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How to Cite
Romanos de Tiratel, S. (2004). The editorial article: an opinion from backstage. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (7), 5-8.

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