The mainstays of research in Library and Information Science

  • Susana Romanos de Tiratel Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UBA.
Keywords: Argentina, Library and Information Science, Scientific research


The author identifies and lists the mainstays of research in Library & Information Science in the more developed countries, will then analyze each of these parameters as given in Argentina to lead to a grim picture, product, in part, of the history of the discipline in the country and, in part, of a present turmoil and crisis from the political and economically point of view. She concluded that social recognition and international projection of Library & Information Science in Argentina depend on the level reached by their scientific production and professional capacity to organize information systems that meet community expectations.


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How to Cite
Romanos de Tiratel, S. (2004). The mainstays of research in Library and Information Science. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (5), 5-9.