Punto Sur. The UBA Geography Magazine is proposed as a space for debate and proposals around the wide variety of issues and problems that currently make up the field of geography, although it is open to contributions from other disciplines. The intention is to encourage fruitful dialogue between teams and researchers from the Institute of Geography of the University of Buenos Aires and other institutions both in Argentina and the rest of Latin America, although it is open to receiving papers and proposals from readers from other geographic areas.

It seeks to disseminate theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions that account for the various epistemological and thematic perspectives that characterize current research practices in the field of Geography.

Punto Sur. UBA Geography Magazine accepts articles in Spanish and Portuguese and is published exclusively in electronic format, with open and free access and a periodicity of two annual issues.

Punto Sur. UBA Geography Magazine is designed and edited by the members of the Institute of Geography "Romualdo Ardissone", Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires.

Each issue of the magazine is made up of three main sections. These are: a thematic Dossier, which brings together articles under the same thematic, spatial or problematic coverage, a fixed section and a section of free articles.

Punto Sur. UBA Geography Magazine publishes all its articles and reviews under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0) with the aim of promoting international academic exchange. For this reason, the journal and its contents may be distributed and reused by third parties in the manner deemed appropriate, with the sole condition of citing the authorship of the work and the first publication in this journal.

Peer review process

All articles will be peer-reviewed following the usual procedures in scientific journals, with reviewers external to the Editorial Committee and in double-blind mode, that is, the author does not know the identity of the reviewer and vice versa. Each contribution will have two evaluations under this system. In case of controversy between the opinions, the editorial board will resolve the decision based on the arguments given by the evaluators and the possibility of resorting to a third evaluation. Those articles that do not comply with the journal’s editorial guidelines will not be accepted for evaluation.

Open access and APC policies

Punto sur maintains his commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds should circulate on the Internet freely, freely and without restrictions. This journal is based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge, adhering to those established in the BOAI (2002). The publication of articles in this magazine is free. Access by readers to the content of this magazine is free of charge and is available on this site in its entirety and without restriction.

Punto sur does not charge fees of any kind for sending or publishing its articles.


The journal maintains an anti-plagiarism and self-plagiarism policy for both electronic sources and printed sources to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts. All contributions are checked with anti-plagiarism programs. If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will not be considered for publication.

Copyright and deposit

The authors retain the copyright and assign the right of first publication to the journal. The work registered with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which allows third parties to use what is published, as long as the corresponding reference is included.

Authors can deposit their published works in institutional or thematic repositories, thus allowing greater reach and visibility of his investigations. They can deposit both the pre-print version (draft before peer review) and the post-print version (final version after peer review but without the final layout of the journal) of their papers. This policy allows authors to share and disseminate their work effectively, while respecting the rights of the journal.

Ethics code

Punto sur adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the Committee of publication Ethics COPE ). In compliance with this code, the journal undertakes to avoid the existence of any conflict of interest between authors, reviewers and editors. A conflict of interest is understood to be the divergence between the scientific/academic work and the personal interests of any of the actors involved in the editorial process (authors, editors, external evaluators). All submitted text will be evaluated for its intellectual content. Punto sur adheres to the Declaration on Research Assessment DORA ) on the evaluation of research.

Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.