The multiple spatial implication of the spread of COVID-19. A state of art

  • Perla Zusman
  • Gonzalo Lus Bietti
  • Gabriela Landini
Keywords: COVID-19, space, geography, future


The aim of this paper is to identify conceptual and thematic concerns that appear on articles on COVID-19 published in the field of Geography, shortly after the disease was spread worldwide. On one hand, they seek to denaturalize and politicize the pandemic. On the other, they show that space is a significant dimension that plays an important role in order to understand COVID-19 diffusion as well as to make models of its social implications. Recurring issues discussed on these papers are the relationship between pandemic, neoliberal accumulation regime and globalization, the state and control of mobility over bodies, economic, health and educational vulnerabilities, care and home, future challenges that the pandemic poses for the earth and for geography as a discipline.


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How to Cite
Zusman, P., Lus Bietti, G., & Landini, G. (2020). The multiple spatial implication of the spread of COVID-19. A state of art. Punto Sur, (3), 234-262.