Autocensura en el lenguaje de la biblia griega. Huellas de formas lingüísticas afroasiáticas que afectaron el lenguaje bíblico.

  • Olga Gienini
Keywords: Egypt – Linguistics – Septuagint – Bible – Hellenized Judaism


During the Hellenistic period, the Jewish community of Alexandria translated their sacred texts into Greek. This work known as the Septuagint (LXX) that was both a religious text to be read at the synagogue liturgy and a source of foreign jurisprudence for Egyptian courts shows the challenges the translators had to face during the process. They developed a cryptic language for the profane Greek audience although intelligible for the Judeo-Hellenized one that probably stems from a self-censorship process trying to minimize the confrontations between the Jewish communities residing in Egypt and their generous patrons but implacable sovereigns.


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How to Cite
Gienini , O. (2023). Autocensura en el lenguaje de la biblia griega. Huellas de formas lingüísticas afroasiáticas que afectaron el lenguaje bíblico. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(36).