The <i>Legis Actiones</i>: from Twelve Tables of Roman law to the Plautu's stage

  • Marcela A. Suárez
Keywords: legis actiones, comedy, Plautus, in ius uocatio, loving motive


This paper studies the system of legis actions and their mode of representation in Plautus´stage in relation to the loving motive. The analysis of different scenes allows to show that the plautine comedy is a source for the knowledge and reconstruction of the social and legal reality of Rome because the play writer questions certain topics that have been accepted without objections. 


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How to Cite
Suárez, M. A. (1). The <i>Legis Actiones</i&gt;: from Twelve Tables of Roman law to the Plautu’s stage. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(28), 111-120.