On the structure of Theocritu's <i>Idyll</i> 22

  • Alejandro Abritta
Keywords: Theocritus, Idyll 22, Dioscuri, hymn, hexameter


In this paper, I will analize the structure of Theocritus’ Hymn to the Dioscuri, following the theoretic model established in Abritta (2015) and taking into account Hunter’s (1996) interpretation of the poem. I will try to elucidate some key points of the text where the organization of its elements seems to illuminate the content. In three sections, one dedicated to the invocation, another to the myth and another to the final request, I will explore how Theocritus uses the tools for composing hymns in hexameter that he inherits from the tradition, in particular those that we can infer from the Homeric Hymns. 


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How to Cite
Abritta, A. (1). On the structure of Theocritu’s <i>Idyll</i&gt; 22. Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(29), 5-20. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v1i29.4195